The Measuring Shovel Net Worth 2022

The Measuring Shovel is a shovel that is designed with a built-in ruler. Many projects have come up and they all aim to make the world a better place and make work easier for the people that use their products.

In that context, the measuring shovel is an innovative design that was developed with the task of gardening in mind. Apart from learning which plants are appropriate for the garden, how they react to the various seasons, and where they need to be planted, gardening normally also comes with the need for many other tools.

Well, that is the reason why the measuring shovel was designed. This tool helps in measuring the size of the holes that are required, without using any separate tools. Hence, it undoubtedly makes gardening considerably easy.

Who Owns Measuring Shovel And Why Is It Popular

16-year-old Maddox Pritchard is the founder of The Measuring Shovel. He came up with this brilliant idea in 4th grade. This noble idea won him a first-place among the other projects that were presented. The idea to bring the shovel to life did not just come straight from Maddox. His principal played some role in helping convince him to file for a patent, and he did it.

As a result of this business being still in the pre-launch phase, not many clients have had a good chance to try out the product. Nevertheless, the Sharks did get an opportunity. With the project’s innovative design of putting a measuring scale on a shovel, the product makes gardening quite easy and accurate due to the installed Measuring Shovel functionalities.

Appearance On Shark Tank

Lori Greiner and Kevin O’Leary partnered up with The Measuring Shovel team offering $40,000 for a 30% share in the company.

Maddox together with his mother, Amanda went into Shark Tank looking for $40,000 in exchange for a 15% equity in their business. At the time when they appeared on Shark Tank, the business was still in pre-revenue and they were looking for someone who would help bring the product to market.

After pitching their ideas, Kevin and Lori offered Maddox $40,000 for 30% equity (15% each) with the vision to license the product. Maddox accepted the offer and walked away with an investment and a Shark Team on board.

Where Is The Company Today?

Up to today, the deal with Kevin and Lori has never closed, and the shovels are not yet for sale. Nevertheless, Maddox does have a website, and he continues to learn about being an entrepreneur and growing a small business from scratch.

The Shovels are yet to be manufactured. But, with experience, knowledge, and assistance from Kevin and Lori, Maddox’s firm will surely start to boom in the coming months. The company is still in the pre-launch stage, and it is operating from Nashville, Tennessee.

Investors and potential clients believe that the product will come in handy, especially in the building and construction sector.

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