With the protein powder craze rushing over the world, Megan and Joe Johnson from Michigan got in on the action in the best way that is possible. They made lives easier for the people who love protein powder but hate the mess or the time that it takes to measure out your scoops.

The Sharks were impressed by the product and two made an offer that the couple accepted. Vade is the Latin word for vanish. Vanish is what the clear coating surrounding the protein powder does in the VADE protein capsules.
VADE is made up of triple-filtered whey isolate. The powder is targeted to boost energy enhance performance in the gym and mitigate general fatigue. This meal replacement product also comes in convenient little dissolvable pods. This meal replacement had pea protein and brown rice protein to offer extended feelings of fullness and a protein and nutrient boost.
The firm also provides pre-workout and extreme pre-workout packs. The pods are filled with 400mg of adenosine 5’-triphosphate disodium to boost muscle building, endurance, and mitigate workout fatigue. The founders discussed the product here.
Who Owns Vade Nutrition?
Joe and Megan Johnson are a couple that loves the pump. They are both gym lovers and love their pre-workouts and protein shakes. Being a former Michigan state wrestler and Arizona state cheerleader, the husband and wife pair go through lots of protein powder.
Their biggest peeve was dealing out the powder in the car into shakers and bottles and ending up with lots of powder all over the console, themselves, and even the seats. They believed that there is a better way to get their shake in without having to deal with all that mess.
They came up with the pods that have a food-grade capsule around them that dissolves in liquids. This means all the benefits and none of the drawbacks of dishing out your protein shake.
Shark Tank Appearance
The couple entered Shark Tank looking for a sizeable investment after investing $300,000 into the firm on their own. They had issues with a distributor where they lost $50,000 worth of inventory and could not get a refund.
Mark Cuban told them that being an entrepreneur involves winning and losing along the way: taking risks and at times paying for them instead of them paying off.

Nonetheless, Cuban liked the pitch and the product and was quite interested in their pending patent. He then put in an immediate offer of $350,000 for 20% equity. Lori Greiner was almost entering negotiations when guest Shark, A-Rod, jumped in and told the couple that what they were selling, he wanted to buy.
A-Rod said that he was a sports icon meaning that people believed in him and he owned gyms. This meant that the product could be sold directly to people where they need it the most. He then offered a joint investment with Mark Cuban of $700,000 for 40% equity. The couple attempted to bring them down to 25% but Cuban refused. In the end, they accepted the offer.
Nonetheless, the dream deal with Mark Cuban and A-Rod never went through. Today, the sales for VADE are up and the business is doing well. They have now expanded their product line and created a strong and loyal customer base. Their monthly income is around $500,000.