– My absolute favorite investing blog is actually an investing Vlog (video blog) available on Youtube. Aileron or Dan has been writing about investing and trading for years on a blog but made the shift to video and it couldn’t be better. His brutal honesty, examples and no nonsense approach to confronting frauds in the industry is unmatched. He is entertaining and you will learn a whole lot. He also offers a premium investment newsletter to follow the exact trades he’s making in real time.
– Inspired by the sensational and motivating Wealthy Barber, Mark is a blogger that loves to share. If you are ever in the mood to read some really great material from a variety of bloggers in the investing niche, Mark constantly shares the best articles each week. Perhaps my favorite element of this Canadian blogger is his focus on dividend stocks and no nonsense investing. In an effort to properly illustrate his strategies, he frequently updates his portfolio for you to follow along with.
– Offering not only a blog but an entertaining podcast, the self-dubbed ‘Average Joes & Money Blog’ covers all the bases. Like my blog, Stan and Average Joe write about a wide variety of topics that would be thrown at the typical twenty-something. Some of these articles are even able to make the connection between investing and our careers, children, family and long term planning. Remember, investing in your 20’s is all about the entire circle.

– You may have seen their iconic symbol floating on a lot of financial blogs. Although it does focus on personal finance, the investing elements are hard to ignore. Yakezie is a movement to encourage bloggers to help others and maintain a personal standard for the quality and frequency of their work. As a result the network contains many famous names in personal finance blogging and is responsible for aiding so many in our age group. You would be foolish to ignore this movement. Maybe one day I could apply for membership.
– Although you might not believe it today, Benjamin Grahams’ original intention in value investing was not in finding a large cap with a small P/E ratio. Rather it was to discover unknown micro-caps, that represented an incredible value for the price that they sold at. This blog works hard to maintain that calling and dig deep in finding those hidden gems. The best part, the blog stays crystal clear on what is penny stock junk (not included) and what is a good value. Get all the help you need in finding the Whopper stocks!
– Some of us are looking for a little bit more than just the basics. Some college students and twenty-somethings are craving charts and data (mostly those stats majors). Mark Dow provides this information from an all important macro-economic approach. Oftentimes, us young investors forget the international world we live in, researching securities in a microcosm of themselves. Mark delivers the macro element in a no-holds barred manner. Prepare for brutal honesty!
– Mike Piper over at Oblivious Investor likes to focus on cutting costs, properly understanding diversification and asset allocation. One point he prides himself on is avoiding all of the clutter that occurs and sensationalism surrounding those who try to profit strictly from you constantly trading. He has a growing series of books available which he dubs the “Cliff Notes on personal finance.” Reviews seem pretty stellar. I’m eager to purchase one myself!
– Hank loves to focus on articles that answer direction questions young people might ask about money and finance, but mostly investing. He takes real life hypothetical situations and spins them to provide applicable examples for readers. He addresses topics that have to do with funding your account, where to focus your research, how much to invest from paychecks and so on. Think of it as a smarter and more reliable version of Yahoo Answers.
– This blog loves to lay the foundation of what income and value investing are. They base their research and writing on tried and true strategies that, are often blurred by what they describe as the 24/7 financial news nonsense. With everything thrown at the young investor from Twitter, CNBC, Motley Fool and others it would appear buying and selling all day is the way to strike rich. The Portfolioist looks to make us investors just a little more informed than those guys.
– Packed full of articles with captivating and action-oriented titles, this investing blog tends to focus more on personal finance and savings. However, the strategies addressed and challenged, apply directly to people in their 20’s, out of school, in school and those that never went to school. Corey looks at every article as an opportunity to directly assist a potential reader in a problem or issue they have.
– Like the handful of investing blogs I like to follow, this one has a long term approach. It tends to favor tried and true decision making as it touches on stocks, ETFs and fixed income instruments. Although the majority of articles give the reader a better understanding of investing, the blog is sprinkled with gems to warn or guide students through credit, saving and spending. Another highlight is that the blog has a number of authors who all have blogs of their own with great track records.
– In depth and realistic analysis of stocks is Franks’ forte. It is incredibly useful for twenty somethings and young educated individuals because it does not focus on hype but, fundamentals. Lately, Frank has been providing readers with some great videos that match well with his commentary. I have been meaning to contribute an article to his blog for sometime. I cannot wait to have the opportunity!
– This blog is all about investing, not personal finance or creative ways to save money. The author identifies himself as an investor first and foremost, not a blogger and it definitely shows in his writing. Aspiring to be more like a Buffet, the writing focuses on macro economics and what is known as function centric investing. It may not be flashy or fancy but, you will learn an incredible amount of value investing principles from this blog.
– Reviewing investment products and services is a feature I would like to highlight more on this blog. Until then I am happy to read all of the reviews Larry makes available on his blog. His focus is mostly on an approach that delivers a comfortable asset allocation for us young people, making sure we are not buying what we don’t need or making ourselves too much more work than we need. Simplicity and features are key.
– Mike is a Canadian dividend blogger who focuses on clear strategies and techniques for income and preventing losses. He often will analyze a single stock in depth, complete with charts and fundamentals. He is constantly cautious and always looking for reasons not to invest, which makes his strategies that much more impressive. His dividend investing ebook is pretty convincing and would be foolish not to download.
– Mad you didn’t see any blogs focusing on deep technical analysis of barely known companies? Fear not, the stock preacher meets that demand for obscure and little known companies whose stocks typically trade for fractions of a dollar. The authors get in-depth with the company and follow fundamental analysis as well. Topics are all over the place and it is clear that the authors are not involved in any penny stock manipulation.
– With a creative name like that this blog is hard to ignore. I love the authors style. He regrets starting his investing career so late but, in my mind better late than never. The name comes from the author’s original crowd mentality. After nearly five years of writing at Hello Suckers, his is some of my favorite writing. Both on successful and unsuccessful trades, few investing blogs are so well written. Details are in the numbers, reasoning and results. Martin writes like a journal and is very prompt at responding to questions and comments. His is a valuable resource indeed.
– Yep, you read right. I really like my blog and have a lot of fun writing it. I put it last because the blogs before it are way ahead of mine but, are a class I’m working really hard to fit myself in. I started writing about random investing tidbits but have developed a passion for helping people, reviewing products and trying to uncover scams in investing. I cannot wait for what’s next!